tips on dealing with anemia

Posted by Penowo

tips on dealing with anemia - posting articles on the umpteenth time I will give all of anemia tips on dealing with anemia , both so-called anemie, anemia symptoms, causes anemia, as well as a potent drug to treat it,
Anemia, a condition in which the levels of hemoglobin or red blood cells in blood is very rendah.Hemoglobin is a compound in red blood cells that carries oxygen to the substance in the body's cells.
• The skin / lips / tongue / nails / petals in pale.
• Easily fatigued, lethargic.
• Dizziness, fainting easily.
• Shortness of breath, especially after exercise.
• rapid heart rate (palpitations).

Common Cause:
• Lack of iron and or vitamin diet B12dalam
• Blood loss, such as bleeding (nose bleeds secaraspontan).
• heavy periods, bleeding hemorrhoids, bleeding peptic ulcers.
• Pregnancy as more iron is needed for fetal growth.
• the production of hemoglobin disorders such as thalassemia karenafaktor descent, namely genital blood (In Thalassemia minor occurs only mild anemia that rarely become numb the patient. Severe thalassemia, found disturbances of bone and severe anemia requiring blood transfusions every month.

Products that are used include:
a. Kino K-LINK
Dose: use as much as 2-3 dos ditelapak upper leg taped to clean the toxins cause kekuran, blood.
b. Consumed along with:
A. K-Liquid Organic Spirulina
Dose: 1-2 x 1 sachet / hares in the morning. Night on an empty stomach.
Useful as a material forming red blood cells and white blood.
2. UIE K-Liquid Chlorophyll
Dose: 1 -3 x 1 shot glass of water mixed with 1 cup (250 cc), taken half an hour before meals. The goal is to detoksi-fication and increase oxygen levels in the blood to increase the metabolic and growth of blood cells.
If the cause of anemia due to iron deficiency, it is advisable to consume lots of foods rich in iron such as meat, liver, dried beans, dried fruits, green vegetables and wheat.

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