
Posted by Penowo

Arthritis is an inflammation or inflammation in the joints. Arthritis can be a symptom of various diseases. There are three types of arthritis are: Gout arthritis, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
  1. Gout Arthritis (Arthritis)
Gout (arthritis) a form of arthritis (joint inflammation), which usually affects the toes, especially the thumb kaki.Tetapibisajugamenyerang knee, heel, ankle, wrist, fingers and elbows. Gout is usually passed down within families.
It's just about the men and often occur without symptoms beginning around age 45 years. When triggered by a minor injury such as wearing shoes that do not fit their size, too much to eat foods that contain uric acid, (such as organ meats), alcohol, stress, infections and certain drugs.
  • Joint pain is sudden, usually at night. Throbbing pain or a very sore and tender sertambah slightest move.
  • Redness, swelling of affected joints
  • Fever, chills, and weakness may accompany the attack.
  • Levels of uric acid in the blood causes increased accumulation of uric acid crystals in joints.
  • Uric acid is a purine metabolic waste substances, a chemical compound in certain foods.
Avoid eating anything that is excessive or that could trigger serangan.Kurangi purine-rich foods such as meats, organ meats such as kikil, tripe, intestines, liver, and other empela.
       2. Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammation that primarily affects the joints of the hands and feet, which are increasingly sertambah severe pain.
  • Both hands feel stiff in the morning, more than half an hour.
  • Not feeling well, stiff and painful joints, swollen, red and feel warm false.
The cause:
May originate from genetic factors or a specific environmental risk factors that could cause the immune disorder or autoimmune disorders.
Autoimmune disorders can cause rheumatoid arthritis.
Adequate rest, wear socks or gloves tangansewaktu nighttime sleep and less strenuous activities slowly.
  • Osteoarthritis (porous joints)
An inflammation of the joints caused by the fragility of the joint capsule, cartilage layer sehinggamerusak menutuppermukaan bone ends.
Usually attacks the joints of the body support, such as knees, hips, spine. Osteoarthritis primarily affects the elderly. In most patients are not to severe.
Pain and stiffness in the joints, especially at a time will be up and running after prolonged sitting, when the knees and hips are affected.
The cause:
Ausnya cartilage degeneration (elastic tissue) should be wrapped around the ends of bones in persendiaan.
Avoid certain activities if the joint is painful, the weight should be lowered if overweight so the load on the knee or hip joints is reduced.

Products that are used, among others:
• K-LINK Kino
Dosage: Initial use as much as 3-5 dos, while the maintenance dose of 1-2 weekly market in Kino patches affixed ditelapak lower leg (heel) or areas that have swollen.
• UIE K-Liquid Chlorophyll
Dose: 1-3 x 1 shot glass of water mixed with 1 cup (250 cc), taken half an hour sebelu eat. Increase oxygen levels and reduce the sense of clear data on the sal areas of inflammation.
• K-AyuArtis
Dose: 2-3 x 2 capsules consumed supposed to reduce the problem pac joints and reduce inflammation; that causes pain in the bones and joints. And should be combined with mengkonsumsiK-AyuLite 1-2 x capsules a day. Consumed after meals
• K-Plus Ayurin
Dose: 2x1-2kapsul daily after meals. Serves to increase expenditures so as to reduce kadarasam urine urate in the body.
• Extract Gamat
Dose: Drink 2 x 1-2 shots a day, trevally possible. Objectives to regenerate cell-selmati so hopefully some will function normally again. For the case of chronic cash-giving good results.
• OmegaSqua
Dosage: 2 x 1-2 capsules daily, for 5-6 months dianjurk rnengkonsumsinya secera consecutive. To maintain a network of joints and reduces inflammation.

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